The driver's license is the MECHANISM they created, that waives ALL YOUR RIGHTS....that ties you to their statutory codes....for all of your life.

Many states WILL NOT LET YOU OUT even when expired and voluntarily surrendered.
It's a one way unilateral contract that waives all your rights and you think it's just about the ability to get behind the wheel.
As per their own statutes, it's only required for commercial vehicles...
(disguised with legal fockery language of "motor vehicle")...
For people driving commercially.
There is no lawful requirement to request and contract for "driving privileges".
These people know what they doing when they phase the statutes.
Words have meanings.
Then they train the law enforcement to use them GENERALLY.
For instance, Ron DeSantis made big headlines by removing the CCW permits.
Oh EVERYONE can conceal carry in the free state of FL!!
You must be 21.
Not in the 2nd Amendment.
You MUST HAVE a "valid" ID.
Not in the 2nd Amendment.
What is a "valid" ID?
The officers perceive it's a driver's license.
You have to waive your rights to exercise them according to Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislation.
Don't pay child support?
They suspend your license.
You are not free.
You are slaves.
Join me in this fight for freedom.
We must overturn the propaganda of this leash.
It's not the law but people armed are making it so as they are trained to do.
Follow me to freedom.
Gianna & Scott