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The Truth About BAR CARD Attorneys and Your Rights.

If you can show me a single BAR CARD attorney that actually cares about the rights of the people, I’ll walk naked in Times Square at 10 pm on a Saturday night.

A picture speaks a thousand words.

Have you ever found yourself questioning the integrity and values of those in positions of power?

The recent actions of Mayor Dean Trantalis in Fort Lauderdale towards me shed light on a complex web of interests that might leave you questioning where the line between public service and personal agendas truly lies.

One of the central themes of this narrative is the role of BAR CARD attorneys in shaping our legal system.

The very individuals entrusted with upholding justice and protecting our rights might not always have the interests of the people at heart. Mayor Trantalis, a proud member of the American Bar Association, and the Federal Bar, is at the forefront of this discussion.

It's intriguing how Mayor Trantalis’s stance on mask-wearing during the pandemic contrasts with the information on the effectiveness of masks.

Despite the contradiction, his adamant support for wearing masks raises questions about his motivations behind encouraging certain behaviors, especially when they might not align with scientific facts and our rights.

The American Bar Association (ABA) holds a significant position in this discussion.

The mission of the ABA to defend liberty and pursue justice is a noble one, but recent events might make you wonder if these declarations translate into tangible actions.

As instances where personal rights clash with bureaucratic decisions often trace back to the doors of attorneys holding BAR CARDS.

In this case, the process related to obtaining a boat slip in Fort Lauderdale unveils the frustrations that come with navigating systems that might not always prioritize individual rights and needs.

If you follow me, you’re familiar with my war against the BAR card attorneys, as everything wrong with the American Legal system is REPUGNANT to the Constitution and all roads lead back to the American Bar Association agents of the State.

Everything that irritates you about the legal system and bureaucracy, leads back to a big conference table surrounded by BAR card holders making nonsensical decisions that violate your rights every single day.

Text taken right off their website proves, as usual, they are complete liars.

The ABA was founded in 1878 on a commitment to set the legal and ethical foundation for the American nation. Today, it exists as a membership organization and stands committed to its mission of defending liberty and pursuing justice.”

Defending liberty?

So how are they liars?

The latest violation of my rights happened in my own backyard this week by the office of Mayor Dean Tantralis.

He was elected mayor in 2018, and on the surface, he’s done a great job cleaning up this city known as the Venice of America.

I bought a boat and moved to Fort Lauderdale in June of 2024.

There is an amazing place to park your boat in a slip on the wall of the New River, along the river walk.

There is a waitlist. 

As expected.

I assumed it would be years, but hey I’m not going anywhere. 

I like it here.

In only a month, the marina called me and had a place for my boat.

So I trotted over there to sign the lease super excited to have my boat near my apartment.

I signed it.

And the marina representative signed it.

They charged my credit card.

They gave me parking passes.

I asked at the time of signing, "Do you need any documentation from me?"

William, the marina employee, replied no that I was fine.


And the next day they telephoned me saying I could not move into my spot until I provided the State of Florida registration of my boat, and added them to my insurance policy.

They made the assumption and presumption that I was a slave monkey like everyone else.

They made the assumption that I would have registered my boat with the State of Florida DMV and volunteered to be taxed on a private sale between myself and the man I purchased the boat from.

I told them I did not register the boat.

So I looked at the lease more carefully.

This is a very carefully crafted LEGAL DOCUMENT.

  1. It’s on 8.5 by 11 paper. This is no accident.

The origins of legal size paper can be traced back to the late 19th century when the American Bar Association (ABA) created wider, longer sheets to accommodate the denser text and annotations in early law journals and case reporters. 

Meaning, this paper and everything about it, is very purposeful.

  1. The contract is with the City of Fort Lauderdale Marine Facilities. It also states that it is an Admiralty and maritime dockage agreement.

Let’s look at that. 

What and/or who is the "City of Fort Lauderdale"?

It's a private for profit corporation as per the assignment of a DUNS number.

A DUNS number is a unique nine-digit identifier assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to businesses worldwide. It helps establish business credit and is used by creditors, vendors, and suppliers to assess a company's financial health and credit history.

Number for City of Fort Lauderdale

D-U-N-S number: 072219595

Who is under admiralty and maritime law?

Only those in commercial operations.

That means, those earning money on the water with their boat.

That’s not me.

The lease is about rules of the marina and safety and boat parameters.

Nowhere does it ask me if I am in commerce.

The employees of the marina never stipulated that they only rent to those in commerce, well, becasue they don't. There are many personal boats on the wall of the New River in Fort Lauderdale Florida.

They do love their steady paychecks and to just follow what they've been taught, much like monkeys in the zoo.

Take note, the so called government agencies & legislators, can only regulate COMMERCE, not what is in the private.


  1. The language of the document states: “City and owner, in exchange for valuable consideration and of the covenants and stipulations hereinafter describe as follows…."

This is very well chosen legal jargon


Do you know that "valuable consideration" doesn't necessarily mean money and on the lease, the monthly amount of the rent isn't listed?

Hmmm so what valuable consideration did I give up?

Could it have been my rights?

  1. "This is an admiral and maritime dockage rental agreement under General Maritime Law."

What is general maritime law?

It’s covered under the Jones Act.

Admiralty law, or general maritime law, is different from the law of the sea which still doesn't apply to ME, as I do not operate in commerce on the sea.

The law of the sea is international law dealing with coastal waters and international relations. 

While the Jones Act is a more specific law governing offshore workers and seamen, general maritime law deals with maintenance and cure, personal injury cases, and even piracy on the land, related to the vessel.

The Jones act refers to workers, not the owner of a private vessel.

In other words, the Jones Act does not apply to ME.

So General Maritime Law does not apply to me.

  1. In the lease it requires the city be listed as the loss payee on my insurance policy and supply the marina with a copy of my state registration.

But I’m not a commercial boat owner.

I’m in the private and non-commercial.

I cannot be forced to register my private property so that I am taxed on it just because the private for profit corporation of the City Of Fort Lauderdale tells me to thus violating my rights.

They can only regulate commerce.

So says the Supreme Court Clearfield Doctrine.

Since they are a private corporation, they can only contract with another corporation.

The lease is made out to Captain: GIANNA MICELI

That's a legal entity name.

That's how they thought they could make a contract with me.

But when I signed the lease, they have on the lease...

By: ________________________________

With the use of "By:" in this style, in the legal world, this is me, the signer, signing as the agent for the legal entity.....of GIANNA MICELI.

As I said, this contract was carefully crafted by BAR card trained attorneys.

And the general public would never question it the way I have .

I wonder if Counselor Trantalis knows this?

I'm sure he knows every drop of this contract.

  1. I am a Foreign National and have no Florida driver’s license, no contract, no application, nor obligation with the STATE OF FLORIDA, or the COUNTY OF BROWARD, or the CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE or the UNITED STATES corporations.

  1. I have never ceded any of my inherent and unalienable rights or independence through “citizenship”.

  1. I have no contract with the City of Fort Lauderdale that would compel ME, the living woman, to perform producing documents that would violate my rights and are not included in the signed and executed lease since I am not owning nor operating my boat in commerce.


Rodrigues v. Ray Donovan

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled “All codes, rules and regulations are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accordance with God’s laws. All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process of law, in that they are void for ambiguity in their failure to specify the statutes applicability to “natural persons”, otherwise deriving the same … .“ (U.S. Department of Labor) 769 F. 2d 1344, 1348 (1985)

This means the code that requires commercial vessels to be registered DOES NOT APPLY TO ME.

Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43 (1906) 

“We are of the opinion that there’s a clear distinction . .. between an individual and a corporation.... The individual may stand upon his constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no duty to the State.... He owes no such duty to the State, since he receives nothing there from beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution.”

This means I am entitled to carry on my private business. I owe no duty to the state.

Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land. Any law in conflict is null and void.

Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436, 491 Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.”

Right there. No rule making or legislation can abrogate my rights.

Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 US 105 The state may not convert a secured liberty into a privilege, and issue a license and fee for it.

Cooper v Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S. Ct. 1401 (1958) "No state legislature or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it." 

“The constitutional theory is that we the people are the sovereigns, the state and federal officials only our agents." 

"The individual, unlike the corporation, cannot be taxed for the mere privilege of existing. The corporation is an artificial entity which owes its existence and charter powers to the state; but, the individual's rights to live and own property are natural rights for the enjoyment of which an excise cannot be imposed."

  1. I have a right to use what is public without the state/STATE forcing me into a contract of property registration and taxation.

When I parked my boat into MY spot on the river, the marina employees contacted me to remove it.

Then I sent a letter to Mayor Tantralis stating the above, and putting him on Common Law Notice to inform the marina that I am not in commerce and to honor the lease.

Dean Tantralis did not respond to me, but the Assistant City Atorney Chief Litigation Counsel sent me an email.

Dear Ms. Miceli:

In accordance with paragraph 10, section (B.) of your atached dockage agreement, this letter will serve as Notice of Termination of your Dockage Agreement for the dock

space NNR 68.

Please remove your vessel and any associated upland appurtenances from City property yb October 13, 2024. After October 13, the city wil not continue ot provide dockage space for your vessel at any of its marine facilities.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Robert M. Oldershaw Assistant City Atorney Chief Litigation Counsel

It's interesting that Mr. Oldershaw is under the impression that I was IN the slip and never mentioned one aspect of my letter about the city violating my rights.

Perhaps he was told to just kick me out, which he can as per the lease "without cause".

He is well paid to violate the rights of the very people he is to serve.

Mr. Oldershaw chose to be a "civil servant" and is paid $214,596 by the public and he is violating my rights.

So folks, this is what LEGAL vs LAWFUL is.

LEGAL is what you agree to.

LAWFUL is what follows the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

All the boat owners unknowingly register their boats, giving no thought to the unlawful taxation and donation of the boat to the private for profit corporation of the STATE OF FLORIDA DUNS#004078374.

It's just what has been done, without question, and this is why once you give the government an inch, they take a mile.

We've been asleep at the wheel for too long or in this case, at the helm.

There's not much I can do about this, except take them to a tedious Federal Common Law claim but I have much bigger fish to fry these days.

My boat is in a safe great spot, just not right downstairs from my apartment.

But this wouldn't be a transgression upon my rights, if We The People had the education we provide inside the Inalienable University, and these civil servants would not be getting away with this.

Gianna Miceli


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