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Trump, Elon, & Government Efficiency.

The "space" that broke the Internet on X/Twitter took place on August 13th, 2024

Were you listening?

It was just two smart guys talking the way guys talk.

What would bring the most government efficiency to the United States Of America?

Restoring the Republic under the principles of Common Law.

Ok, but how?

By following the lead of the Supreme Court.

They're literally telling you this right now!

What is the "Common Law"?

It means that there is no crime unless you injure someone else or their property.

What is the definition of "liberty"?

It's the right to do whatever you want as long as you don't violate someone else.

Notice the similarity?

They're the same.

A "Republic" is a country that has common law.

If you have statutory law, you're not a republic, you're a "Democracy".

We hear THEM saying this word ALL THE TIME!

"Trump will destroy DEMOCRACY."

You bet he is!

What does the pledge of allegiance say?

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of United States Of America.

And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, under God, with liberty and justice for all."

Did it say "statutory liberty"?

Statutory liberty is liberty from Satan.

We assume the United States is, the United States Of America.

It's not.

We assume them to be our government.

They're not.

We walk around claiming to be US Citizens.

We're not.

We're citizens of the United States Of America.

Words matter.

Words = juris-diction.

These people have stolen EVERYTHING, including our birthright.

They've stolen our marriages.

Who gave the government the right to be a contract party between and man and wife?

Who gave the government the right to contract our children to be chattel?

Who gave THE GOVERNMENT any "rights"? They don't have any rights.

Under common law you get married by a clergy and two witnesses and record it in your bible.

When the settlers headed out west to claim what is now Utah, Nevada, and California, did they ask the Bureau of Land Management for permission?


The land belongs to God!

The settlers had the right to claim uninhabited land in the name of God.

The federal government was only given ten square miles of land.

They have no right to take an inch more than the District Of Columbia.

Anything given can't be ratified by consent if it's not approved by the Constitution.

They do not own the public lands.

The people own the public lands.

The big secret that Trump needs to let out is that nobody is actually a US Citizen and that statutes pertain to living men and women.

They stole our birth right, marriage, land, automobiles, boat, homes, etc.

Why should you give a damn who you vote for US Congress? You don't live in the US.

The United States is a corporation of the ten square miles of the District of Columbia.

If the people knew the truth they would want no part of it.

It's a fraud and lie and a phony "Democracy".

Trump needs to spill the beans about who and what we are.

You're seeing it play out in the Supreme Court decisions.

Public Law 97-280 in 1982, congress declared the Bible to be the “Word of God” and "the rock on which our Republic rests" (the guiding law of our nation).

Elon seems to be on board.

That....would be the best government efficiency plan.

ALL COURTS are bound to interpret the constitution (Bill of Rights) in light of the law AS IT EXISTED AT THE TIME IT WAS ADOPTED. Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43; Mattox v. U.S., 156 U.S. 237,243; Davis v. Welcher, 263 U.S. 22, 24; Stromberb v.

California, 283 U.S. 359; NAACP v. Alabama, 375 U.S. 449.

Justice Gorsuch issued scathing Supreme Court opinions declaring that the American people revolted because the “British attempted to evade American juries by siphoning adjudications to juryless admiralty, vice admiralty, and chancery courts.” SEC v. Jarkesy, 603 U.S. (2024).

Therefore, as the United States corporation supports an anti-God agenda, it is devoid of

authority over matters dealing with men whose “inalienable rights” are granted by the God of Heaven.

Those casting votes may do well to take notice of the current political climate of this nation and the empowering stance of the recent Supreme Court rulings in SEC v. Jarksey and Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Counsel.

Furthermore, we clearly are not “legal entities” subject to statutes, such as your driver's license.


It goes without saying the fact that we live and breathe establishes that our claim

involves “Inalienable Rights” (private rights), and the imposition of Article I (statutory) measures should not be automatically applied.

ELIMINATE statutory courts for living men and women.

They are for corporations.

Our waiver of rights would be “voluntary… knowingly and intelligent acts done with sufficient awareness.” Poindexter v. Greenhow, 114 U.S. 270; Brady v. U.S., 397 U.S. 742.

Plainly stated, the United States (or an employee thereof) has no authority to exert

“inherent sovereignty” over the rights of the people as that would fall outside the power granted by the Constitution. Juilliard v. Greenman, 110 U.S. 421.

The Supreme Court in Jarkesy reaffirmed that actions involving private rights, such

as common-law fraud, must be heard by an Article III court: "Congress cannot 'conjure away the Seventh Amendment by mandating that traditional legal claims be... taken to an administrative tribunal." SEC v. Jarkesy, 603 U.S. (2024)

“Judges may die, and courts be at an end; but justice still lives, and though she may sleep for a while, will eventually awake, and must be satisfied.”

Quoting Justice Patterson of the United States Supreme Court in

Pennhallow v. Doane’s Administrators, 3 U.S. 54.

To learn how to exercise your rights join the Inalienable.University

Gianna Miceli

Scott Bernard


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