Your standing is never in statutes.
It's in the founding documents.
It's in the Bill of Rights.
It's in SCOTUS rulings.

The so called government is wrong beyond wrong today.
The restoration of the contract is in removing the mechanisms they use to commercialize us and in removing the treasonous judges warring against the Constitution.
Please watch the video.
In what venue is the Constitution present and the Supreme Court rulings applicable?
I'll tell you where they're NOT....
Justice Courts
Traffic Courts
Anything labeled ADMINISTRATIVE is not judicial.
State courts
District courts.
Those are all legalese names.
Don't complain about your rights if you don't know this.
You consented to be governed by the proceedings in those courts....unless you did not consent.
So learn where you are consenting to BE governed.
This is the only realm of life, where your consent is implied UNLESS you expressly DO NOT CONSENT.
Hale v Henkel the Constitution must be interpreted in light of the law as it existed at the time it was adopted.
Simmons v United States the state cannot convert a right into a privilege, charge a license fee for it and criminals the actions of anyone who doesn’t acquire the license.
Driver’s license
All license requirements from the state are unlawful
The Supreme Court in Jarkesy reaffirmed that actions involving private rights, such as common-law fraud, must be heard by an Article III court:
"Congress cannot 'conjure away the Seventh Amendment by mandating that traditional legal claims be... taken to an administrative tribunal." SEC v. Jarkesy, 603 U.S. (2024)
Only men and women have private rights.
Legal entities have no rights.
They rule you as a legal entity.
Gianna & Scott